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Aeropage Documentation

About Flexbox

Here are some amazing website sections you can make using flexbox layouts, and the basic steps to create theme.

Example A

The main container has horizontal alignment with two flex groups.

The left flex group is horizontal with wrapping and spacing, each of the child groups has a fixed width.
Untitled 1.png

The right frame has two groups inside, with vertical direction and space between - so one is at the very top and the other at the bottom.
Untitled 2.png

Untitled 3.png

Example B

Untitled 4.png
Untitled 5.png
Untitled 6.png

Example C

Untitled 7.png
Untitled 8.png

Example D

Untitled 9.png

Untitled 10.png

Untitled 11.png

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