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Blocks Guide

What are Blocks?

In Aeropage, blocks are the largest element of a page. They are not hardcoded for a specific purpose, rather they are a collection of pre configured components and layout settings that achieve a desired result. Any block can be customised entirely without limitation, by reorganising components and changing settings.


Block Title & Icon

You can rename blocks by clicking the title when the block is selected, or change the icon that displays in the sidebar.

The icon and title can be displayed in block navigation.


Block Container

A block is essentially just a container for components, so almost all the useful settings for a block are in the container. Click it to access the controls.


Adding Blocks

To add blocks just click on the + Add Block button. The block library will open with some common designs and layouts, or you can choose to start with an empty block.

Referenced Blocks

In many pages you will find blocks that are referenced, either from the template, pages in the library, or other pages from your project. You can use reference blocks to keep the overall layout consistent between pages using the same blocks - but with slight differences applied as overrides.
If you reach a point where you need to make extensive changes and the reference is causing problems - just import the block to break the reference and create a distinct block in your current page.


Template Blocks

Blocks from the template (typically the menu and footer) are referenced into the page. You can choose to exclude all or specific template blocks from the page in the page controls.


Copy & Import Blocks

You can copy blocks from the editor to other pages by right-clicking and choosing copy to clipboard. Then to add the copied block to a page, in the add a block interface choose import and paste in the copied JSON code.

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