Manual Trigger:
create trigger checkbox for trigerring the Generate Bulk HTML Automation
Set up webhook
Paste webhook url to configuration
Create Trigger, add a condition when trigger is checked
Copy script for trigger
Create ‘Run a script’ and paste copied script, also make sure automation is ‘active’
Setting the Webhook
First you have to test webhook, so check any trigger and after a couple of seconds check webhook result status
Create a repeater
Copy webhook script
Inside repeater, add ‘Run a script’ and paste the script. Also add htmlURL variable with url value.
At this point you should have ready html, now you can decide what to do next
I will be sending this html as an email to my clients, I added peopleEmail lookup text field and recordId formula so I can find proper record in webhook
Add table, then condition based on ‘Condition’, make sure to change input to Dynamic
Now you should use recordID as a value
The next step is to create an email, use a email value from ‘Find records’, in my example its peopleEmail.
The value should be in Find records → Field Values → (if lookup field → value, otherwise it should be inserted)
As a message use ‘html’ from ‘Run a script’, also make sure automation is ‘active’
Now just make any trigger ‘checked’ and it should start whole automation
Emails should be sent to clients