In Aeropage anything can be clicked to trigger actions or open links. So the term button in this system really just describes the appearance / a component the user will recognize as clickable.
Label & Style
Every button should have a label text, even if you only display the icon (for accessibility reasons). In the theme you can define three main styles for your buttons, to keep them consistent and easy to setup. In most situations you should use the theme styles.
The theme style can be used as a starting point, then any of the controls can be switched to custom to create unique variations depending on the context.
For more customization, you can make a button with the text component, applying padding, borders and backgrounds to the container.
A button typically indicates you can click it and something will happen - you should keep to this pattern by adding some actions in the events tab.
The only exception to this being when a button is the trigger for a group (drawer, popout, etc). In that case, the click will automatically be assigned to the group, though you can also use onclick actions.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (