Blocks are made up of components that can display content, data or nest other components inside them to create complex designs.
For a full list of components refer to the
Add Components
To add components, click the + in the desired layout and choose the type of component.
Component Settings
The first tab has editing and styling options unique for the component type, whereas the rest of the settings are consistent across all components.
Copy and Paste
Like blocks, you can copy components to the clipboard then import them into other pages. To import the copied component, choose the import icon at the top right of the components menu.
Drag and Drop
Within a layout you can drag components to reorder them vertically. Note that components using free position will behave like layers, where the lower components in the vertial order will be in front of other components.
To move a component to another group or block, use relocate.
To move a component to another group or block, right-click the component and choose relocate - then click the target location.
Connect Data to Components
To connect an individual component to a data source and make it repeating, click the data tab in the component and choose a query. Once connected the component will repeat for each record and a new group of variables will become available so you can add dynamic values.