In the editor you can create and apply conditional states - after which any changes made will only be applicable when the condition is true. When a condition is being applied you will see a banner at the top of the editing controls, and any changes applied under the condition will be colored.
To remove a conditional value, click the x beside the label of the value.
Always True!
Regardless of the actual result, while a condition is active it will be shown as true so that you can see the result while editing. Remember to deactivate the condition by clicking the x on the main banner at the top before trying to see the actual result.
Screen Size
Will allow you to apply conditional values based on the size (width) of the screen, to create responsive layouts.
Data & Logic
Checks the value of any variable, and applies conditions with logical operators (is, is not, contains, more than etc.) which can also be used to update the interface dynamically by changing variables using actions
User Actions
Most commonly used to apply changes in styles when a user hovers or clicks on a component. This functionality overlaps a little with the Events and Actions system, but is distinct in that events are a single occurence - whereas a state is the resulting condition after the event.