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General Guides

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How do conditional states work?

Whereas conditions have a single logical result (true of false) - a conditional state is the combined result of multiple conditions at any given time. By creating an application with multiple conditions, and allowing the user to control the variables that those conditions are referencing - you can create infinitely complex workflows and rich user experiences.

Built-in conditions are designed to show/hide items

Some examples of conditions :
Show a personalized message to users based on their country.
Hide some content if a user isn't a member.
Hide some content if an input is empty.
Hide cards if the name does not exist.

Hiding components

Lets say I want to show special button for a particular group

Make it visible for default, then in condition if [field] does not contain [group], this way it will return true if [group] is missing and hide frame

Now, if the record does not contain "Corporate" in "Groups", it will hide the component

Card filtering

Condition: hide all people that doesn’t have skill “Python”, for conditions you can use mejority of airtable types

Add new condition

In my example, by default all cards are visible, if condition is true it will make it hidden.
Condition: If ‘skills’ does not have Python word, make condition true

This way, in the editor you will see the hidden components, but outside the editor, for example, in the preview, you will see them filtered

Final result, people with Python skill
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