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Aeropage Documentation
Wordpress Connector

Divi & Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields can be added to the post type created by Aeropage plugin. You can map Airtable fields to ACF fields.

Add a Field Group for the Custom Post Type

In order to map the Airtable fields to the Advanced Custom Fields, you should add a field group to the custom post type.
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Mapping fields to Advanced Custom Fields

To map the fields to an Advanced Custom Field, you can use aero_[Field Name] as seen in the screenshots below. In the examples below, the field names used are Price (MSRP) and Description.
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When the records are synced to Wordpress, it will be automatically filled up based on the values for that field.
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Airtable Text Data (Long Text, Short Text, Numbers, etc)

The Airtable text data is already supported without doing much. Just simply map it to an ACF field type and then use the shortcode or “Use Dynamic Content” to display the ACF field data.

Add an ACF field
Map the Airtable Field to an ACF field
Use Shortcode or “Use Dynamic Content” to add the ACF field to a Divi Component
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HTML Support

Aeropage Wordpress Plugin supports HTML tags in the value of an Airtable fields.
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HTML Data support for ACF fields
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Markdown from Airtable is also supported by Aeropage Wordpress plugin. It converts the markdown to an HTML which can be used for rendering the value.
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Mapping the Rich Text field to an ACF field
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Add text component and click the “Use Dynamic Content” icon
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Add the ACF field that was mapped to the Airtable rich text field.
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(Optional) Add it as a short code if you will be adding other texts.
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After that, check if the changes are reflected.
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Airtable Attachment Support

Airtable attachments can be mapped to ACF Image Field and ACF URL field.

URL Field Support for Airtable Attachments

Create a field in ACF and map it to an Airtable attachment
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Add an Image component and use the ACF Image URL field for the component.
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Check the page preview to see if the changes were reflected
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Using ACF Image Type for displaying the image
Add an ACF image field
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Map the Image type from an Airtable field.
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Create an image component and use the ACF image field via Dynamic Content.
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Create an image component and use the ACF image field via Dynamic Content.

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Select, Radio Button, and Checkbox Support

ACF fields with choices from Airtable select. Choices from Airtable are also added to the select, radio button and checkbox.
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