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Aeropage Documentation
Tools and APIs

Document / PDF Generator

This tool creates dynamic templates in a document layout, with data from your Airtable records. Once you’re done designing you can generate new documents with a single click, direclty from Airtable or bulk export them to your Airtable using our built-in export tool.

You can export documents as PDF or images.

Create a Document Generator

To create a new tool, follow the instructions on .

Design Library

Click the libary button to see some premade templates, add them to your tools and then customize.


Components Reference

Within each tool you will find a left sidebar to add components, many of the tools share the same components so we have listed them .

Publish & Preview

As you make changes, the publish button will appear at the top right. To save and publish click this button.


Once published you can preview your design.

Untitled 1.png

Open as PDF

Open the current record as an image, to see how the final result will look or to copy and use that pdf directly.

Untitled 2.png

Adding URL to Airtable

This guide shows you how to generate URLs for PDF documents.

Download as Attachments

These guides show you how to automate the download of dynamic images (or documents) into Airtable as attachments, using the urls.

Multiple Pages

When your content exceeds the length of a single page you should see a break appear.

Page Break

You can also insert a page break using the component. Anything below the component will start on a new page.

Untitled 5.png


Page Options

In main wrapper you can find layout options to style your pdf document.


Clicking will open some layout and configuration options specific to PDF.

Auto Page Number

To include a page number on each page of the PDF.


To add a watermark choose the background image option.


PDF Filename

You can specify a custom filename and include dynamic values.


Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.