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Aeropage Documentation
Dynamic Email

Dynamic HTML in Zapier

For Zapier Automations

To fetch data from an API endpoint you will need a premium Zapier account to publish and use your zap → but can be tested for free.


To get started just setup the trigger, or any step using the same Airtable you used in Aeropage.

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When you want to fetch the email’s HTML, search the term ‘API’ and you can use the GET in Webhooks by Zapier action.

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In Aeropage…

Open the settings and make sure Export to Airtable Automations is switched off.

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Airtable handles the content differently to other systems as it allows either markdown or html, this may cause problems in other systems.

Then copy the sharing link.
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Back in Zapier paste it into the URL field, then add the ID value from the Airtable record.
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The URL is the only field you need to fill in, the rest can be left with the defaults. Its structure is the same as when using an Airtable formula…

When you test the action, you should see some HTML in the response.

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You can use this result as the Body of your email in a later step and it will send the dynamic email content.
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After testing the action you should be able to see the email with all the right formatting.

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