In your block add a map component, then choose the data source with your location records.
Map in the fields with the Location Coordinates.
Or instead of using the Longitude and Latitude you can use the GPS coordinates directly:
We support the following GPS coordinates formats:
40°42’51.36”N, 74°0’21.60”W
40°42'51.36\"N, 74°0'21.60\"W
40.7128, -74.0060
40°42.8568'N, 74°0.3600'W
Dynamic Behaviour
To get the full benefit of system like Aeropage, you can combine all the usual elements of the design system to create a fully customized app.
Set Active Record
As with all repeating / data components you can set an on-click action to define which record is active - then display the active record data or use it in conditions to control other elements on the page.
This works in reverse too - you can have cards and click to set active, then a condition to display the clicked card on a map.