Display Notion Pages
To display notion content on a page, just add the notion component and configure it as needed. As long as it returns a valid notion id that is accessible - it will render the content live.
To use the notion component, you need to first .
Copy the Notion ID Directly
The simplest way to display a page is just to copy and paste the notion page id directly into the component.
Dynamic Notion Pages via Airtable
You can also copy notion ids into an Airtable field and get the best of both systems. Doing this also allows you to reference the same notion page into multiple areas of your site without the need for linked fields or worrying about breaking navigation.
Copy the notion id to a text field in Airtable.
You can also add a button with a formula link, to easily open the notion page to edit.
Now with a dynamic page, you can reference the notion id as a variable into the component, to display different notion content for each page.
You can also add other dynamic components using the Airtable data to render on the page, mixing the notion content with other Aeropage components to create amazing templates.
We use this method for our own documentation, blogs, etc
Breadcrumbs, Table of Contents & Subpages
By switching on subpages & navigation - you can display various navigation components to let people navigate the page and child pages in the notion tree.
Extra Features
The Aeropage notion component offers quite a few additional features to enhance the notion content.
If you click an image in the rendered content, it will open up at its full size in a popup. Images are also cached, so the expiring urls from notion will not be an issue.
Despite being the amazing editor, notion lacks the ability to display buttons. If you add a hyperlink to a heading in notion, it will be rendered as a button.
Emails & HTML
With Aeropage (free) Tools you can design HTML in notion and pull them into Airtable with a script to send in emails or display in other systems with automations.