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Print To PDF


The Print to PDF feature allows users to export specific blocks of content into a PDF document. This feature offers customization options such as selecting the blocks to include, setting the document title, choosing the paper size, orientation, and margins.

Accessing the Print to PDF Feature

To access the Print to PDF feature:
Navigate to the desired component to which you want to add this action.
Click on the 'Print to PDF' option from the menu. ​

Interface Description

Blocks to Include

Select the blocks you want to include in the PDF document.

Document Title

Document Title: Enter the title of the PDF document in the text field. The entered title will appear on the PDF. For example, "test".


Select the page size for the PDF document. The available options are:
A4: Standard size (default).
Letter (Let.)
Legal (Leg.)
Tabloid (Tab.)


Choose the page orientation for the PDF document:
Portrait: Default orientation (default).
Landscape: Switches the orientation to landscape.


Set the margins for the PDF document. You can specify the margin using different units:
None: No margin.
Small (< >): Small margin.
Medium (< >): Medium margin.
Large (< >): Large margin.
Custom (px): Enter a specific margin size in pixels.

Steps to Print to PDF

Select Blocks: Click on the blocks you wish to include in the PDF.
Set Title: Enter the document title in the "Document Title" field.
Choose Size: Select the desired page size (default is A4).
Set Orientation: Choose between portrait or landscape orientation.
Set Margins: Specify the margins according to your needs.

By following these steps, you can customize and export the desired content blocks into a well-formatted PDF document.
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.