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Aeropage Documentation
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Tools and APIs
QR Codes
Add Qr Code For Invoice & notifications
Change Qr code redirect link
Dynamically generate QR codes with links from your data, update after publishing and track how many people use your links.
Quick Start
Here are the key points that you need to follow to make Qr code tool works
Create an airtable field that will contain the link you want to redirect to from the Qr code.
Create Qr code tool and use that field as
Link Url
Copy Qr code url formula in Qr code tool
Paste formula to airtable(this is an api endpoint that returns Qr code image and redirects to
Link Url
Changing the QR Code Size
The size of the QR code can be changed by adding a ?size to the URL of the QR code. An example would be:
The sizes are as follows:
?size=lg → 3015 x 3015 px
?size=md → 1035 x 1035 px
?size=sm → 495 x 495 px
Now you have ready Url Qr code that you can use anywhere.
Since api endpoint returns Qr code image, you can add an image and use this as a source.
An example how to set up Qr code + get notifications each time Qr code is used
Add Qr Code For Invoice & notifications
Once you set up your tool, you only need to change Link Url in order to update Qr code redirect
How to change existing redirect link
Change Qr code redirect link
Quick Start
Changing the QR Code Size
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