Seamlessly integrate your business workflows and effortlessly create products in Stripe directly from your Airtable database. To get started on synchronizing your Airtable records to Stripe products, please follow this guide.
Add an Stripe Products Project
The Airtable to Stripe Products lets you configure which Airtable fields to use for creating or updating Stripe products.
Create a project.
Missing stripe api key?
Add configuration
Product Name
The value to use when naming a product.
Product Description
A short description to be added to each product for use in loops.
Product Price
The field containing the price of the product. This should be a numerical value, otherwise the product price will result to 0 if set or No Price if not set.
Product Images
When set, this will add the images to your products. This tool will extract up to 8 images from your image field since Stripe can support up to 8 images per product. If the images are greater than 8, the images after the 8th image will be ignored.
Save Stripe Product ID to an Airtable field (not required)
While syncing with stripe, you can also save the product ID for each product in the airtable
Synchronizing Airtable to Stripe
When you are ready, publish the changes. Then click on stripe button and sync with stripe using ‘Start’ button.
Go to and check your products
Missing products
Sometimes the record does not have a value for the selected field, in this situation we do:
no name / image → we dont add a product no price → set price to 0 no description → no description for product in stripe