We have updated our subscription plans. Starting from December 2024, only one plan is available for Aeropage Builder and Aeropage Tools which is the Aeropage Professional Plan. For more information please visit:
. Once done, you can start the subscription process.
To do so:
Click on the small box located at the lower right corner of the main dashboard. This box indicates your API call limit. Accounts under the Free plan have 100 API calls per month while Professional Plan accounts have a 1000 API call limit.
Upon clicking, a modal appears at the center of the screen. Click “Upgrade to Professional Plan” button.
A new tab will apear for the payment page. In Aeropage Professional Plan, you are billed US$24 per month and additional US$12 per 1000 API call once you exceed the initial alloted calls.
Once the payment is successful, you’ll be able to see the limit change. If the limit is still 100, please wait a few minutes and refresh the page since it may take up to 5 mins to reflect the changes.
If the limit didn’t change despite trying again, please contact Aeropage support via our support channel (speech bubble icon) located at the lower right corner of the Aeropage Builder main dashboard.
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