The table component is a repeating group - meaning it is connected to a data source, and repeats a type of layout (in this case, rows) for each record.
Data Source
The first step to any repeating group is choosing the data source. Typically you will create a query to some external database, such as an Airtable view. The table will initially appear with two (default) columns with the name and image of the records.
Each component nested directly inside the table will become a column, with the component label being used as a the column header. This makes it easy to create simple tables by adding variables and components - but also makes it possible to create more complex layouts and behaviour by using frames and group components as columns.
Frames & Groups as Columns
As mentioned above, you can use frames or group components to make a column with more advanced content. In this example there is a Drawer component for the last column with a button as a trigger.
When clicked, the button opens a side drawer with more content, and another button to open a dynamic page. This method of extending a row using a vertical layout is very useful in keeping tables from becoming crowded and overwhelming for users.